Well, here I am in Cambridge. City of scholar apparently. And bicycles. Lots of bicycles!
I feel like I'm back in school, shadowing doctors and desperately trying to orientate myself to a huge maze-like, ventilation deficient, concrete mass that is Addenbrooke's Hospital.
About my trip so far- Singapore (the 5 hours that i spent in transit) was great! I was shown the sights (including an elephant temple) and restaurants amidst the 35 degree humidity.
The trip to London was as good as it could be with dinner served at 11pm (Singapore time) and then breakfast at 2am (British time).. Then arriving at 5AM, because apparently we were ahead of schedule.
Met with Laura and she kindly took pity on my enormous bags under my eyes and shouted me a coffee. For the 4 or 5 days i spent in London with Michelle (my cuz) I battled the crowds in the tube, saw the tate modern (finally!), an awesome exhibition by Antony Gormley and generally explored the city. My feet were aching by 4pm each day! The highlight (or low light) was the 13p bagels I found in the East side of the city! Bargain!
I also saw a musical on famous the West End - The complete works of Shakespeare Abridged.
With my culture levels sky high, Laura, Tom and I organised a brief trip to Edinburgh- where the Edinburgh festival is currently in full swing. Lots of shows, and more culture... Apparently the Scots have a long history of battles, with everyone!
The rain and grey skies greeted me on arrival in Cambridge. Not much flooding though.
Meanwhile, I shall have to get used to paying $15 for a meal. My heart just can't take the shock every time i convert things back to AUD. ($18 for a burger king meal.. You've got to be JOKING!)
$18?? That is insane. Well, at least it'll force you to eat healthy :)
What's your itinerary?
j.lo! you're overseas already?!
yes, what are your plans?
re $$$$$$$$ (imagine them as pound signs) (actually, there'd be less of them - ha):
i find it best to stop converting in cities like london. and don't check your credit card statement until you get home and it's too late :D
and how kool is the tate modern!! you should also check out the design museum (on the thames, near the tower bridge)
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