The weather in adelaide where i'm living gets so cold that there is frost in the mornings.. Real frost that has to be wiped off the car. But that's okay, because there is an INGENIOUS contraption called a heater that warms the house. It keeps me warm, without having to walk around like a marshmellow, or a stuffed turkey.
Well, I'm home, and the weather in sydney is cold.. but not enough to create frost. And i think i'm MORE cold here.. I'm FREEZING in fact!
And you know why?
I think it's to do with the lack of heating here. You see, for my parents, the airconditioning installed isn't really a functional piece. It's more for it's design value, so that the visitors are impressed when they walk through. (If you look really closely, the shutters have dust on them...)
Gosh, i hope i don't turn into my parents!
Don't become your parents = best advice ever, for anyone :)...
And where does the photo of all the steles sitting on tortoises come from? (technically they are Ao, and not normal tortoises, but who's counting?) I almost swear I have been there...
That's probably because you have been there!
It's from a temple..(The temple of Literature?) in vietnam!
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