I got caught up in Bunnings and bought a few packets of seeds as well- basil and spring onion.
So instead of planging the parsley, I ended up planting the card (which turns into some sort of tree) and the spring onion.
And I was somewhat dubious as to the results considering it's in the middle of winter. (The exact worse time to sow seeds). But this morning I was quite excited by this:
Which is a little ray of green amongst:
It's exciting to see nature unravelling in its most elegant way. 'Yay, come on little guy... you can do it... grow grOW GROW!!!'
Heh @ close zoom in!
Hmm... Our broccoli and spinach have been popular with bugs and birds but we haven't had the chance to enjoy them yet- hope you have more luck with your greens! :)
That little sprout must feel like a King in a castle growing up in that massive pot!
It's so exciting seeing little seedlings poking their way out of the ground!!
He's now got about 8 or 9 friends!
that's v kool.. i love the idea of eating home grown herbs and vegies..
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