For the first time, a friend asked if i was still painting...
And i couldn't say yes. I've given up all sorts of artish crusades, like jewelry and painting, and collecting junk in case of a creative emergency. Well, not quite given up, but rather, put on hold..
Medicine really has taken over. Which is sad. I remember making friendship bands in class in primary school, making jewelry on the weekends. Make dreamcatchers with a friend and selling them at school fairs.
It's times like this when i wish i was able to memorise things so i had time to do art and not be worried by failing. And i guess that's why i've fallen on the instantaneousness of photography as a creative outlet.
And i met up with Ed the other day in Eastwood before his Korean class. It was great catching up- Three things that struck me: 1. Compared to the last time I met him when he first arrived back in Australia(when he was all excited), i thought he was at an ebb. 2. He knows most* of my cousins. Its weird. Like he's a family friend- but not. Though i won't be surprised if he turns up at our next family gathering. He'll probably be appalled at our Aussie-ness. 3. Languages. I was pleased when the Korean restaurant owner said that he had the "right" accent.
*I guess it's practically impossible to know all of my cousins. =p Too many.
Izzy has grown. She's up to my thigh. And she has the wickedest smile. Smart girl. Likes tomato tho.. it's a pity!
Reaquainted myself to Graham Base. Could keep myself amused for hours. Lucky Chrissy.
Am jealous of Erica. She graduates at the end of this year. Soon to be a member of the cult of the employed.
It's strange thinking of John working in a 9-5 job.
Life's changing. People are growing up and i feel like i'm lagging behind. It only bugs me when i get back to Sydney and catch up.
I wonder what i'll be thinking when i'll be working? Hopefully, i'll be thinking of my next artwork..